By my bravado's gonna kill me one day - 10/08/2018 13:00

Today, as a big fan of spicy food and a huge challenge seeker, I decided to try the hottest burger I could order. Despite being warned by a waitress, I went for it. After eating a third, I had trouble breathing from the spiciness. The waitress was smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 264
You deserved it 3 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geekynerd88 10

Sounds like a breathtaking experience!

You fought the food, and the food won!


Mungolikecandy 19
IrieStorm 9
latchlan 4

This one had me in stitches. Too funny mate

Just because you're a big fan of spicy food, doesn't mean you can handle your spice. Had a co-worker talk smack on how they're SO into spice. Ordered food for lunch one day from my favorite chicken place, made sure the spice was up to MY standard, and had the poor bastard cry most of the day about how his mom always made sure to "make it nice" special for him. Turns out, the extra batch she cooked whenever they had spicy food, was specific for him, because he couldn't handle it at all. #moms-am-i-right?!