By mymidlifecrisis - 08/09/2016 04:53 - United States - Valley Village

Today, after years in a relationship I realized that my partner does not like the music I listen to, the food I cook, the pictures I take, the way I dress. The only thing she likes is when I take her out to eat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 942
You deserved it 1 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know it sounds mean, but you should be with someone who appreciates you for you, OP. You may have been together for years, but you may be better off with someone else


Diamond_don 18

Tweet: just finessed another meal

I was in a relationship like this for 4 years. Expect he didn't even like it when we went out. He only liked me for the sex he got whenever he wanted. Please don't stay in a relationship where you (or her) are unhappy because there are people out there that would share your likes and dislikes that you would probably be much happier with.

maybe she's one of those people that believe in "opposites attract"

I mean, I love food as much as the next girl, but relationships shouldn't just be based on that. I'm sorry OP.

It took you years to realize that? Damn you slow.

bobsanction 18

If she was willing to fake it for years just for free food, that's some serious commitment.

is she before her period and mean to you?

to me this doesn't sound like a good relationship. the guy should prolly dump her ass if he's passionate about all those said things. regardless if all she really likes is him giving her shit she's still trash and needs to grow up. men are not supposed to completely support their women and have her do whatever she wants unless they want to do so. it should never be expected or be obligated to do so.

She's a gold digger! Stop taking her out and she will dump you soon enough.