Can't compete

By Anonymous - 09/01/2021 17:01

Today, my husband told me, "Your job is easy! You do nothing but play and have fun with children all day." Mind you, I'm a toddler teacher and have 10 children in a day. When I come home from work, he complains he’s tired because he was watching our only child who's a toddler. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 318
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your kid inherits your brains and not his. He's a dope.

wysegirl 24

I feel your pain my husband is a SAHD as well and he complains I have it easy. While I deal with work, college, taking care of the house (he's too tired from taking care of the kids), and taking care of my kids while I am home. Hope things improve for you.


I hope your kid inherits your brains and not his. He's a dope.

wysegirl 24

I feel your pain my husband is a SAHD as well and he complains I have it easy. While I deal with work, college, taking care of the house (he's too tired from taking care of the kids), and taking care of my kids while I am home. Hope things improve for you.

I'm so sick of hearing about dads like this. They seem to think women have a special gene that makes it impossible for them to be exhausted by children. Between this and the men that call it "babysitting" when they're watching and parenting their own children, a whole heck of a lot of men need to grow the hell up.

"If all I do is play and have fun all day, don't you as well?"

It_gets_better 19

Your job sounds like my personal hell OP. Thankful for people like you with the heart to even handle other people's kiddos.