By mymidlifecrisis - 08/09/2016 04:53 - United States - Valley Village

Today, after years in a relationship I realized that my partner does not like the music I listen to, the food I cook, the pictures I take, the way I dress. The only thing she likes is when I take her out to eat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 942
You deserved it 1 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know it sounds mean, but you should be with someone who appreciates you for you, OP. You may have been together for years, but you may be better off with someone else


The music you listen, the food you like, the way you dress are all personal characteristics unique to every individual. If your ultimate goal isn't to be with yourself you are likely to be attracted by different characters than your own. For being with you I bet she likes your qualities, manners and morals - the things that matter.