By workworkwork - 26/11/2011 01:37 - United States

Today, after working for over ten years at a dead-end factory line, I told my friends I was going to take some business courses and land myself a real job. All they've done since is laugh, mock me, and say that if Clinton couldn't fix the economy, I have no chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 525
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Except that when Clinton was president, the economy was at one of it's best points in the nation's history.

may651 14

Poor Op. I would be a better friend than them. YOU CAN DO IT!!


awesomelikethat 0

"Be the change you want to be" or something like that. A quote by Gandhi.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." I do believe that's how it goes. Your welcome. :)

You're*. It's like people say to themselves, "I don't think google will have the answer to this...".

Sorry, I always mess up with the your and you're. I'm getting better but I still have the odd screw ups. :( It's ok, I'm still learning.

Your honesty is appreciated. Now I feel like garbage.

maddieking 2

That was one of the most honest and oddly polite conversations I've seen on here ever

Thank you! I'm not stupid, just not a grammar genius. And I can take criticism as long as it's not attacking or mean. I can be quite the nice lil gaffer when people are polite. :)

FYLDeep 25

You might be able to fix a hole in a canoe, but when your country is as big as the Titanic and it's just crashed into a giant iceberg, you're ******.

Well, even if Clinton doesn't, "Obama cares".

Work hard and achieve your own goals. **** them if they can't support your choices. Also, they're probably just jealous and scared to try anything like that.

Oops sorry :( I posted this twice by accident. Which means.... Twice the encouragement! :)

RabidBunny 10

People will always doubt you when you are deep in your dreams...c'est la vie. However, why sit there and give them reason? Drown out their doubts, you will feel great satisfaction when you accomplish your goal! :D

clinton did fix the economy. we actually had money in the bank before little bush took over.

perdix 29

And they won't let Obama fix it. If his party stood with him and let him lead, we'd be digging our way out of the shit right now. As it stands now, we'll get another Bush in 2012, and the top 5% will kick ass and the rest will plunge ino destitution.

This is why the country is so messed up. Obama is flat sinking the country deeper and deeper into a tailspin that he wanted to create. By doing so, our country will become a European socialist state, and BTW, most of those countries are in an economic mess. Clinton tried to do this but the Congress stopped him.

Wow, just wow. "European socialist state"? I'm surprised you ain't calling them all communists or something... you seem like that kind of batshit insane moron after all. The US economy is one of the weakest in the developed world as far as all your debt and shitty pay conditions go, and for someone who says he's 61 years old, you should know a lotttt better. Clinton boosted your economy more than anyone for a long long time. Imagine what he might've done if moronic partisans like you hadn't stopped him. And wow, you're one of those people who think every Democrat's a Satan-worshipping monster who hates America and wants to destroy it for fun, right? What with your insane "Obama is flat sinking the country deeper and deeper into a tailspin that he wanted to create" crap. Sorry for the rant, but you need to be committed to a mental asylum.


Clinton was president during the Internet boom. Anybody would have done as well. It's funny he gets all the credit.

71- we are a democratic, republic, socialist, free trade, capitalist nation. Pure government ideologies, even a democracy, don't work.

invivoful 10

Looking at the us treasury numbers, I'm pretty sure the money went back to the people to help the public debt decrease, as it should, and not in a bank. Definitely still better than now and earlier, but don't think we were swimming in tons and tons of money back then. I'm pretty sure this country will never fix itself T.T

DontClickOnMe 28

Aww don't listen to them. You can do anything you set your mind to! All you have to do is try.