Be happy for me

By IHaveThePower - 01/10/2021 20:00 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I got offered an interview for a great job. My father then spent the entire dinner telling me how pointless it was, and how I should apply to the factory next door because I would spend all the extra money on gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 960
You deserved it 74

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My mother just did the same thing to me. and this has been one of my dream careers.

I'd be more willing to believe that if he hadn't saddled me with his three year old when I was fifteen.


You don't see what he's really saying -- he really wants you to stay close to home and close to him. I hope this "great job" is so much better that the expense and hassle of commuting and parking are worth it.

I'd be more willing to believe that if he hadn't saddled me with his three year old when I was fifteen.

My mother just did the same thing to me. and this has been one of my dream careers.