By Patiently Watching - 04/03/2017 20:00

Today, after three university degrees and a decade of avoiding social media in order to make intelligent use of my time online, I discovered that giraffes are addictively mesmerizing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 289
You deserved it 1 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamscott 16

Had you never seen a giraffe before you discovered the Internet?

jcash52426 5

Giraffes are cool to watch for like 10 min unless they are fighting. Otherwise they are as boring as the person watching them


iamscott 16

Had you never seen a giraffe before you discovered the Internet?

jcash52426 5

Giraffes are cool to watch for like 10 min unless they are fighting. Otherwise they are as boring as the person watching them

lcupcake 2

I feel you man, I've spent more time than I'd like to admit watching April the giraffe going about her daily life.

jcash52426 5

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Brightbulb 39

Same here Icupcake, April can steal your time away like none other. Oh, and before you jump me Jcash, I have an excellent job and work for every cent I have. That doesn't mean we have to miss out on April playing around in our spare time.

jcash52426 5

Your probably the owners kid and he pays you a good salary to just show up and do nothing

You must feel far superior to those uneducated morons who are addicted to kitten videos. How mundane!

Maybe his approach is more scientific? Wondering how this artistic piece of evolution came to be, how prominent it is and is a respected animal within its own environment. Unlike those peasants who watch kittens because they want to see furry balls make premature animal noises. Or maybe he just wants to look at a ******* giraffe because spots. Because SPOTS... are so mesmerizing...

manda8484 17

And how did you come up with that conclusion?

Mindless internet fun -is- what gets me through my masters degree. And memes.