By Insomniac - 28/07/2012 09:56 - United States - Wasilla

Today, after rolling my car on the highway, I witnessed several people stop and get out of their cars to take pictures. No one asked if I was okay, and I was the one who had to call 911 for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 618
You deserved it 2 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there such thing as a bad Samaritan?

I assume you're okay because you posted but people should seriously help first. It's ridiculous that they would take pics. I assume any of them in the same position would want someone to come to their aid.


This made me giggle! *GRABS GUITAR* that bitch will sting ;D

Marcella1016 31

25, 36, and 43 proved her point perfectly :)

ArielTheMermaid 17

Wow. What heartless assfaces......

If I was driving the car I would but if I was with my parents they'd just drive past. Glad you're okay OP!

If I was driving the car I would but if I was with my parents they'd just drive past. Glad you're okay OP!

Doesn't surprise me. It's called bystander effect. The more people there are that show up to some sort of accident or witness an attack, the less likely they are to call for help. They assume someone else will do it and shift the responsibility. Btw I'm glad you're okay OP.

unknown_user5566 26

Ah, that's what it's called! When I posted my comment about it (67) I couldn't remember the actual term.

Some people need to get their priorities straight. I'm so sorry that happened to you.

If you can walk away count yourself lucky.... Don't be a attention *****.


I would make sure to key a couple of their cars on my way out, OP.

You are seriously lucky, what if you were unconscious?