By SMCHR - 09/05/2011 03:22 - Ireland

Today, after I moved into my college dorm three days ago, my roommate is still convinced that she is a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 247
You deserved it 3 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

badbe 0
BahahahLOL 0

Well pretend to be a dog and run her the **** outta there.


matildalillyysto 0

yea fyl that's soo creepy, there waz an entire group of kids at my school who all thought they were cats and I can say it waz disturbing. I'm sorry I feel bad for u

...dang what college do you go to? haha that's crazy!

hey cats are clean animals. so at least she wont be filthy.

baconboy_42 8

Oh to be back in college, convinced you're a cat and having your roommate free you out of a bowl. You should be fine. Just don't give her a bath. Real cats hate that.

sportsphotogirl 0

Does she use a litter box?

nibh 0

I want a room mate like that !!!