By lice - 28/03/2009 13:34 - United States

Today, after having sex with my boyfriend I went into his shower to freshen up. Where I saw an open bottle of pubic lice shampoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 125 395
You deserved it 13 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quad17 0

Girl, go buy a razor and shave.

liveitlearnit 0

ughhh. i hope you instantly picked it up, scoured yourself, and then left his ass in there.


STIs, the gifts that keep on giving.

So by association, anyone who's ever had an STI has had sex with the first person to have it. This is why people should stop having unprotected sex with more than one person for a generation or two until there are no more STIs and the world can have a 7,000,000,000-person orgy/clusterfuck? I'm game.

beachpeach123 0
Cnote231 0

you're probably less likely to get them if you shave though. ( I know this is gross) but the hair keeps them warm and they probably prefer to be in a place with lots of hair...

WOW...that is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard...fyl