Rage against the wrong machine

By shit happens??? - 20/05/2022 15:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend who’s rage quit multiple games, screamed cuss words for hitting too many red lights, and broke his new phone when a legendary Pokémon escaped after a raid in Pokémon Go, told me I was too dramatic. Sorry for being depressed that my biopsy results weren’t good. Shit happens, huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 142
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does he have any redeeming qualities? Because what I’m getting from this post is just… weeks at minimum of frustration.

why the **** are you putting up with a man child like that? cut him loose now, because he's sure tf not going to help you one bit through your treatments, he's going to stress you at your most vulnerable time.


Does he have any redeeming qualities? Because what I’m getting from this post is just… weeks at minimum of frustration.

He's right. You can get medical treatment for whatever ails you, but he might never get another shot at the Pokémon. Get some perspective, lady, and good luck with your health.

why the **** are you putting up with a man child like that? cut him loose now, because he's sure tf not going to help you one bit through your treatments, he's going to stress you at your most vulnerable time.

just leave now, he's Beebe gonna get better, probably worse. you may be the target of his rage eventually. so before you get to invested in the relationship, just cut your ties. it's not worth it.

kitten79TX 5

These are HUGE red flags. You need to get rid of him. It's only a matter of time until he starts hitting you. Please take this warning seriously. He needs anger management counseling. You need to get away from him.