By tammylauraine - 29/02/2012 18:21 - United States

Today, after handing out several résumés for several jobs, I realized that I forgot to add my phone number to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 204
You deserved it 31 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"He's just so qualified! But I can't reach him! GAHH!!!"

Next time try thinking before you do something as important as applying for jobs.


THANK YOU for putting the É's on résumé!

It's ok, I've never been called when I've been considered for a job interview!

myurlbriii 9

I've read this one before already.

Talk about stupidity. Maybe next time think before you do something important.

YDI for two reasons: 1. Not checking your resume properly before beginning the job hunt 2. Spamming numerous employers with your resume.

Darnathius 8