By jellymoon14 - 28/07/2011 22:25 - United States

Today, after being recently laid off at work due to "cutbacks", I went job searching around town. During my drive, I cruised past my old workplace and saw a "now hiring" sign in their window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 860
You deserved it 4 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

biasedshooter 24
NastyNinja31 0

go get your job back since the "cutbacks" r over


JPLovesAnimals 4

you should reapply and see what they do. lol. or go online and see what they r hiring for. I bet it's your job!! bwahahaha

go back and say you're there for an interview cause you just. got laid off. never know, they might be ignorant and hire you back not realizing their mistake! :)

that's actually illegal. if you got laid off. now if you hot fired that sucks

Thats against the law in canada. If you get laid off they can't rehire for the same position without offering it to you first. Unless it's been six months

jzureikat24 0
rennyren42 0

enjoy the unemployment checks, and f that job.

CristinaRamirez 0

that sucks but you know what it happens alll the time

PopRocks14 0

i read first, "after getting laid by my workplace" lmfaoo.