By First Kiss - 07/12/2012 12:39 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, after a romantic dinner, movie, and stroll in the park, we had our first kiss. It would have been perfect, had a passerby not thrown rubbish at us for "unnecessary public display of affection." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 080
You deserved it 3 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dafuq? Enjoy the day. **** that loser. He's just sad that he can't kiss anyone.

Tell him off for his unnecessary display of littering.


Wow, some people. He's just a jealous asshat, don't let it get to you! :)

Dam op, the umpire threw the flag at you for ''unnecessary public display of affection.'' That's when you're supposed to call a time out, then you send in the kicking team.

my first kiss went a little like this ( kissing sound) a and twist (kissing sound) and twist.

I've never understood why people hate PDA so much.

Probably because they don't have anyone to kiss, they've never been loved by someone else, or they just find it annoying.

My boyfriend and I will hold hands or give each other a quick tap on the lips but we do not make out in public. I feel that PDA can be inappropriate depending on where you are and who is around you. OP didn't deserve this though. It seems like it was an innocent first kiss.

RedPillSucks 31

all this talk about perversion is making me hor... interested.

It's okay OP. People feel lonely when they see PDA, (not the sex in public stuff, that's where people wanna throw up). Some people stare & hate even if you're just hugging & holding hands. I once got shot by a paintball gun from a drive away car with guys shouting "How do you like that now?!" when my arm was wrapped around my boyfriend's on the way to the car one night. Luckily they only shot my elbow & left. Moral of the story, people are bitter. & you have to not let it bother you if they act out cruelly. Be happy, no matter what happens. It's your life not theirs.

I've felt that person's pain but I would never throw something at a couple being together happily.