By Thai that on for size - 25/09/2015 19:56 - New Zealand - Silverdale

Today, a guy kept flirting with me despite all my hints for him to kindly fuck off and die, so I lied and said I'm a lesbian. This didn't stop him. It got so bad, I had to claim I was born with a dick and say that's why I like girls. Only then did he say "Eeewww..." and back off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 421
You deserved it 2 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could've been worse; he might have been into that too.

Just list a disgusting fetish or two and pray you never see them again


Both of the "excuses" you used are really horrible things to lie about. This goes along with lying about diseases as well. If it's the truth, it's the truth, but no one is entitled to a reason for a rejection. Giving excuses only makes it seem as if you would like to oblige them if circumstances were different. Don't coddle bratboys. Tell them to stop harassing you. Don't say bother, use terms that imply authorities will be called. And don't hesitate to call for help.

If someone is hitting that hard, don't give them a "hint". Straight up tell them to go the **** away girl. Not everyone is smart enough to get "hints"

Well, if it got to that point where you had to say that, don't hint anymore. Just say it directly to him. Some people don't get things unless it's straight to the point and clear.

This kind of pisses me off... Obviously OP didn't deserve it, but I can't exactly sympathize either. Is being trans really the worst thing a person could be? I know she was just trying to get him to leave her alone, but it's still transphobic.

why didn't you just tell him directly to **** off?