By Thai that on for size - 25/09/2015 19:56 - New Zealand - Silverdale

Today, a guy kept flirting with me despite all my hints for him to kindly fuck off and die, so I lied and said I'm a lesbian. This didn't stop him. It got so bad, I had to claim I was born with a dick and say that's why I like girls. Only then did he say "Eeewww..." and back off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 421
You deserved it 2 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could've been worse; he might have been into that too.

Just list a disgusting fetish or two and pray you never see them again


"If I may ask you kindly, please **** off, I got work to do"

Why does it have to go straight from hints to lies? This world needs more blunt people.

ThePandoricaOpen 18

That's the thing, OP straight up told the guy she wasn't interested, but he wouldn't stop.

cosmicdancer84 7

Yeah, I'm a lesbian and declaring that, can make things worst sometimes. Some guys are just jerks, glad you're ok.

Next time don't be kind. just simply tell him to **** off?

Frindaddy 13

Sorry OP!! Some guys just don't know what the word "no" means

butterbunny 15

*Rolls eyes into back of head* Some people...

Ydi. You should have just threatened to call the cops or something.

VoodooPriestess 16

Lilly Allen's Knock 'Em Out But I had a guy hit on me from his car when I was walking on an empty street. Tried ignoring him, then pretending I couldn't hear him, so he pulled his car ahead of me onto the sidewalk, blocking my path. That was the worst hitting on me tale I have. Guys have no creepiness block in their brain.

Persistent people are never fun...although I know someone into that, so it would only make it worse