By Z88 - 21/04/2010 20:29 - South Africa

Today, a customer came into the music shop I work in to look at guitars. After calling the customer "Dude," and "Man," numerous times, they stalked off suddenly. When I asked if everything was okay, they responded with, "I'm female, you asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 874
You deserved it 43 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Girls can be dudes too. She's silly.

she just gets upset easily. she probably doesn't like her figure so she is offended easily


greendaygirl112 0

nice when ur in a music shop Boone allls anybody ma'am or sir. tht lady needs to get used to that

JGood08 1

i hate when that shit happens when im at work, not my fault you look like a man. your ***** weak

;) that's funnnnyy , guess you lost that customer!!!

guitarplayer95 0

Wait, you work in a guitar shop? Lucky :) Anyway, don't worry about it. Where I come from, the guitar shop employees say it all the time. And I'd probably end up doing the same thing. :)

rockstar295 0
JGood08 1

you deserve my foot in your grill for being a ******

Trolling or not, rockstar295, that's just a stupid thing to say.

TheJoJoBear 0

Okay, not gonna lie, that woman was really overly sensitive to get so upset. Honestly, in today's day and age, it's become more and more commonplace for words like "dude" and "man" to be gender-neutral, ESPECIALLY in places like the music industry. They've become extra-extra-casual ways to address someone. I sure wouldn't have been offended. Some people just need to be more chill...

RedPillSucks 31

Dude, I can understand, but how is 'man' gender neutral?

seriously? I call everyone "man." just like "hey, man, did you see that show this weekend? it was SICK," doesn't matter if i'm talking to a chick or a guy.

billybob171717 0

it's probably your fault just look at your spelling mistakes you idiot

dude they were not gonna buy anything anyway!! if u were wanting something that shouldn't turn them away! most musicians are cooler than that! don't worry about it! dude

KiddNYC1O 20
cloverpi314 4

haha!! that I a funny picture!!

YDI for being too dense to pick up on obvious anatomical clues

Granddragon 0

you have an awesome....hat ;)

RedPillSucks 31

Yes. Her .... hat.... is really big. something you can really rest your head on, ... I mean, in.