By Z88 - 21/04/2010 20:29 - South Africa

Today, a customer came into the music shop I work in to look at guitars. After calling the customer "Dude," and "Man," numerous times, they stalked off suddenly. When I asked if everything was okay, they responded with, "I'm female, you asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 874
You deserved it 43 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Girls can be dudes too. She's silly.

she just gets upset easily. she probably doesn't like her figure so she is offended easily


kblyden 0


I think the word "first" is now synonymous with "fail."

Guerrilla8 0

You talk like the Australians on family guy that have been in the U.S long enough to almost speak in english correctly.

Guerrilla8 0

Actually, Brian only called them foreigners. So we were both wrong, ********.

lizabethp 11

Agreed. Sex doesn't matter when calling someone dude...I do it all the time, and never mean it to be offensive.