By Highroller_17 - 13/08/2015 04:13 - United States

Today, a customer came in to the Walmart I cashier at, trying to set me up with her daughter. This isn't the first time she's tried. As she so graciously put it, her daughter "has a thing for the wimpy nerdy types". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 829
You deserved it 2 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well what are you waiting for OP? If what she's saying is true, this is your chance.

If she's your type why not? Worst that can happen is you never want to see her again. Although with the mother coming in often that could be awkward.


Everyone keeps saying "Go for it!" When she could be ugly, fat, retarded, or a *****. I'm not trying to be mean, but some woman basically begging a stranger to date her daughter is an obvious sign that she is one of those things, and if the daughter is say... Autistic then I would tell OP not to even consider it because I dated an Autistic girl, I didn't even know unless I opened my eyes, and and she has been a pain for over a year after I broke it off. DO NOT CONSIDER HER OFFER, OP.

Your comment is callous and disrespectful. People on the autism spectrum deserve the same respect as "neurotypical" people and yes, when someone leaves us or breaks our heart it can be hard to get over it because our emotions are magnified. We are also loyal, kind, intelligent, patient, funny, loving and forgiving to those who hurt us because we just want to be accepted.

Nice casual ableism you got there bucko. Just make sure to say the same spiel to every girl you get so they'll know right off you're worthless. Protip: As soon as you assume all people in under one class are the same, you really need to start rethinking your perception of the world. Although, this autistic girl wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.

#40 I have mild autistic traits - never been diagnosed, but it runs in my family so I wouldn't doubt if I had it. And I am engaged to an amazing fiance. I really take offense to your comment; we may be awkward and misjudge others at times, things go over our heads, we need alone time and we are more likely to express ourselves nonverbally better than verbally. But we love just as much, and we are as caring, compassionate and strong willed as anybody. We can be sweet and romantic and we can be wild and passionate, if you are patient and give us the chance. You are a small-minded person and if you never change, you will never be able to make a relationship last.

ericzaga 4

Get her daughter pregnant. Who's wimpy now!

I work at Walmart the worse thing to be said as pick up "You're beautiful just outta prison and got the hiv high five" Or you in those glasses make me wanna sex you up So see it could be worse

Take a shot at it what's so bad about that?

If you're sick of being the "wimpy type" start lifting bro. P90X and body beast are fantastic programs and you can do them at home for pretty cheap. As for being the nerdy type isn't everyone to some extent?

Just go **** her daughter and call it a day. lol jk

extraballbing 4

This is just the mom's opinion. Heck, if you've got the mom's buy-in already, that can be one of the most annoying relationship hurdles out of the way already. You know what, this might be worth taking the girl out for a cup of coffee. If nothing else, makes a good story, and you're a braver man for putting yourself out there. Carpe Diem!