By Highroller_17 - 13/08/2015 04:13 - United States

Today, a customer came in to the Walmart I cashier at, trying to set me up with her daughter. This isn't the first time she's tried. As she so graciously put it, her daughter "has a thing for the wimpy nerdy types". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 829
You deserved it 2 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well what are you waiting for OP? If what she's saying is true, this is your chance.

If she's your type why not? Worst that can happen is you never want to see her again. Although with the mother coming in often that could be awkward.


Maybe her daughter isn't so bad. After all, not many people care for their in-laws. Don't turn down a potentially great girl just because you met her crazy family first.

"the Walmart I cashier at" I'm so sorry. FYL, OP

wheelchairchick 11

Her mom sees your demeanor as non-threatening and less likely to hurt her daughter. That's a compliment imo

subzero22 8

Rule #1 of dating don't let any parents set up a date. Or was that rule #2??

Rule 1: No blind dates Rule 2: No dates setup by parents or siblings, depending on your friends this may also extend over to them. Rule 3: No online dating. Rule 4: Don't be a fool, wrap your tool, For women don't let him drill without your pill. Rule 5: Dress up not down.

I hit FYL as soon as I read that you worked at Walmart. Sorry, OP! I'm sure the mother will find some other whimpier, nerdier guys for her daugher.

OP that's when you say "your daughter looks nice and all, but I'm not into girls with cuntbag mothers."