By Anonymous - 24/10/2015 03:06 - United States - Tyler

Today, a customer at my coffee shop bitched me out because we don't sell cranberry juice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 839
You deserved it 1 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, why don't you? Kidding. Customer service jobs suck! Hang in there op!



Oh I feel for you OP! I work at Starbucks and get berated pretty often. over the fact that we don't sell Sodas or Ketchup.

cr500guy 11

Makes perfect sense to sell cranberry juice at a coffee shop

Hiimhaileypotter 52

The customer is almost never right. People are ******* idiots.

Why would you guys sell cranberry juice? Lol that makes no sense that person is weird

I've been bitched out for not selling tomato juice in a cafe of a Superstore.. the only juice we have at all are little cartoon juices for kids. Why would we have tomato juice at all? I told her she could probably get V8 in the main part of the store.

fragmen52 18

Worf can have quite a temper, don't hold it against him though its normal for klingons.

He actually preferred prune juice. A "warrior's drink" he called it. I think it just loosened him up.

Who do you think you are to not sell cranberry juice!

I give you major respect for working in a coffee shop, dealing with the general public sucks. I'm sorry that some people don't understand it's not the workers fault if they don't sell something.

Because, depending on where you work in customer service, there are policies against defending yourself from irrational verbal abuse. Someone can go in on me for a half hour straight and I can't say anything back because counts as "arguing with customers".