Tick tock tick tock

By Anonymous - 12/01/2024 08:00 - Germany

Today, I was just released from hospital after a heart attack. As a 37 year-old woman with healthy habits and no family history of heart issues, the doctors have no idea why it happened. So instead of telling me how to change my lifestyle, they told me to proceed as usual, and hope that it doesn't happen again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 660
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get another doctor. Stat. You're a person, and they are treating you like a damn car. Heart issues can occur at any age and you need to nip this in the bud. Best of luck!

At the same time, another doctor would probably ask OP about her family history (no heart disease) and lifestyle, find said lifestyle to be the exact same thing the doctor recommends to heart attack patients, throw his/her hands in the air, sight, and recomment statins. Apparently, statins work especially well with women.


Get another doctor. Stat. You're a person, and they are treating you like a damn car. Heart issues can occur at any age and you need to nip this in the bud. Best of luck!

At the same time, another doctor would probably ask OP about her family history (no heart disease) and lifestyle, find said lifestyle to be the exact same thing the doctor recommends to heart attack patients, throw his/her hands in the air, sight, and recomment statins. Apparently, statins work especially well with women.

You raise a valid point. I may be a bit biased on this as I too have a family history of heart issues, and, in full disclosure, take statins myself for cholesterol. OP made it sound like the doctor was being dismissive rather than taking the time to consult with a colleague or dig deeper.

get a second or third opinion. what happened is not normal. could be stress/anxiety related. you need to find out. simply waiting to have another heart attack is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I hope you get it figured out.