Make up your mind

By Anonymous - 14/05/2023 22:00

Today, since we work out of town, my MIL told me she was going to come see the kids before we left. Then she completely ghosted me the entire day, but tells everyone in the family I never let her visit us. I'm the only adult who puts any effort into the relationship, but everyone is on her side because she’s “stressed”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 762
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happy Mother’s Day! Sorry about your crappy MIL

Close family members should already know you and your MIL. I wouldn’t worry too much about MIL’s nasty side affecting other family members… Unless they are mentally challenged, most people have eyes and ears and a memory. They may hear what MIL says and just listen and nod but know who and what she is. Most difficult people aren’t just nasty to one person, they are unpleasant to several people. So people get a reputation no matter what they say.


Happy Mother’s Day! Sorry about your crappy MIL

Close family members should already know you and your MIL. I wouldn’t worry too much about MIL’s nasty side affecting other family members… Unless they are mentally challenged, most people have eyes and ears and a memory. They may hear what MIL says and just listen and nod but know who and what she is. Most difficult people aren’t just nasty to one person, they are unpleasant to several people. So people get a reputation no matter what they say.

Did you actually reply to her and say it was okay for her to come over? Cause I can see a potential miscommunication where she was waiting for a response and got annoyed when she didn't get one.

reetuuw 3

Shes a controlling narcissist. Never talk to her again.