Tight ass friends

By cheese - 26/09/2013 21:31 - United States - Sun Prairie

Today, I summoned the courage to talk to my friends about the money they owe me for my photography services at their wedding. We had agreed on a fair price, but now they're pissed, claiming that I'm being selfish, and should consider it my wedding gift to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 674
You deserved it 5 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WompWompWomp123 7

Bring them a toaster and then ask for your money.

This is exactly why you NEVER lend your friends money or offer them your professional services. Especially if you're a prostitute.


Sue them. Or consider it a lesson learned. My sister went through a similar instance. Her friend was going to do the wedding as a gift but then when it came time to get stuff to my sister she was very slow to finish them causing a wedge between her and her friend. I think if your "friends" are being jerks about paying their friend then I'd sue especially since you agreed on a price. Good luck.

Well they need respect you and pay up! That's totally rude and ignorant of them OP! I hope you get your money!

Some people really..... You should ask them straight with a strong front!! Don't back down! Get your money back!!

Axel5238 29

Generally this stuff is worked out before hand. Did you not make it clear that the photos weren't a gift?

Well... did you get them a separate gift? Because if not, you can see why they might have expected this to be the gift, even if you didn't intend it to be. Yes, it's selfish for them to assume you'll give them something, but you generally expect a gift from each guest. If you gave them something, tell them that they need to either pay you for the pictures or give the gift back.

Pyro_Wolf 17

There is no reason that they should have expected the pictures to be a gift, since they already agreed on a price.

I would like some mountain due, please.

This is why you have EVERYONE sign a contract. Friends or not.

rubyliu8420 7

Should've had them pay up front.

A professional service is just that... a job. If you got them a wedding gift, be adamant about your price, and hold the photos hostage till they pay. If you didn't, reduce it a tiny bit but do remind them that you have bills to pay as well.