This pandemic is so 2019

By Anonymous - 04/06/2021 20:59 - United States - Cabot

Today, my water broke. Due to Covid-19, we couldn't go straight to labor and delivery, so had to go to the emergency room and wait to be taken up. I sat there for an hour with a ruptured sac and contractions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 015
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yummi_913 18

I'm so sorry! It's weird that they would do that. When I went into labor they made sure I knew ahead of time to avoid the emergency room completely because they considered it a risk for women about to give birth. I hope once you got upstairs that everything got the care you needed and that you're recovering well. A rupture is no joke!


Yummi_913 18

I'm so sorry! It's weird that they would do that. When I went into labor they made sure I knew ahead of time to avoid the emergency room completely because they considered it a risk for women about to give birth. I hope once you got upstairs that everything got the care you needed and that you're recovering well. A rupture is no joke!