This is rage bait, surely?

By Sorry not sorry - 13/04/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, I found an old Bible in a box of my boyfriend's stuff. I despise religion, so I threw it away. He freaked out when he found out, screaming that it was a "family heirloom". I don't care if vile, hateful trash is an heirloom or not, I'm going to get rid of it. Deal with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89
You deserved it 2 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you are the lowest of the low. I'm not even religious but you have no right to throw anything away that's not yours especially when it's a family heirloom. how would you like it if some starts throwing away your stuff because they don't like it. I hope he dumps you. you deserve to be alone until you learn that you are not the center of attention.

angus 7

You idiot. I despise religion but it was not yours to throw away like a lunatic control freak.


I'm not impressed with the Church these days, but that Bible wasn't yours to throw away, you sanctimonious entitled B. Grow the F up. I hope he dumps you *and* charges you with theft and destruction of property.

religion is everything wrong with this world. but that wasn't yours. it had sentimental value. I hope he dumped you

Not cool! I'm a hardcore atheist, but I wouldn't throw out a Bible or any other book that belonged to someone else (actually, I own several Bibles). Not liking religion is one thing, but keep it to yourself, otherwise you are no better than the book-burning fanatics who think they can dictate morality on someone else. Don't like the Bible, don't read it, but it's not your place to say someone else can't.

You’re human garbage. I hope he dumps you.

I don't care if you found the Necronomicon, it wasn't yours to throw away, biyatch.

I have no love for organized religion but I do respect other people's property and beliefs. You are just a trash human being and I can't wait for Karma to revisit this (and all of your other acts of similar nature, you know they're there) tenfold.

Racer88Socal 4

Hopefully your boyfriend takes the lesson here and breaks up with you.

L0life29 6

I’m just going to say it…’re a ****** ****

I hope he found his heirloom and that he kicked you out as fast as possible!

You know what? **** you. I also don't like religion but shoving your beliefs into someone else's face and trying to take control of their life like that is bigotry. You are no better than a bible basher.