They tried to make me go to rehab, I said OK

By Anonymous - 10/04/2022 18:01 - United States - Underhill

Today, my ex-husband checked himself into rehab after a fight with his girlfriend of 6 months. We were together for 14 years, and have 3 children together. We divorced because of his drinking. His wife and kids weren't worth enough to him to get help, but apparently his new girlfriend is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 563
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dragonladiesfire 19

Sometimes it takes for someone to lose everything and realize that their behavior/choices won't work even if their environment and people around them change.

A man will move mountains for a woman he wants. I’ve seen men in 5-10 year relationships/marriages get broken up/divorced and then they get in a relationship with another woman. And he does all the things his ex begged him to do. Stop preaching to these men - they hear you. He just won’t change because you’re not the woman he wants to be with. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow but not even 3 kids can keep a man and make him do right. Try to move on and find someone who will move mountains for YOU.


dragonladiesfire 19

Sometimes it takes for someone to lose everything and realize that their behavior/choices won't work even if their environment and people around them change.

I'm guessing she's got bigger ******* than you. Those things can make men do things they never could imagine -- like ask for help.

A man will move mountains for a woman he wants. I’ve seen men in 5-10 year relationships/marriages get broken up/divorced and then they get in a relationship with another woman. And he does all the things his ex begged him to do. Stop preaching to these men - they hear you. He just won’t change because you’re not the woman he wants to be with. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow but not even 3 kids can keep a man and make him do right. Try to move on and find someone who will move mountains for YOU.

Also it well may be that the girlfriend of 6 months demanded respect at the first straw and didn’t wait until the last. She was like “Nuh uh Im not gonna tolerate his crap”. There’s no use begging a grown ass man to do something. Know your worth and demand the respect you deserve. Start demanding respect and you’d be surprised at how many men will give it to you right off the bat.

Nhayaa2.0 17

At some point in life you have to realise that you'll probably not be worthy enough for a lot of people, whatever how much they love you. It's not that you're not worthy at all, it's just that people need to do things for themselves and not for someone else for them to be able to go all the way. So don't think he did it for his new girlfriend and not for you. He did it now because he wasn't ready when you were still together. Thinking your way will only get you resentment. You're done, move on.

So instead of simply being happy that the father of your children is changing for the better, you're upset he wouldn't do it for you. You do realise that gives us suspicions about why the new girlfriend had more success than you, right?