They targeted gamers!

By Merry F-ing birthmas - 20/12/2020 11:01 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, as he has all day for the last 3 days, my husband has been playing Cyberpunk 2077. However, it's my birthday. When I mentioned this fact, I was told to just walk the 4 miles to the store and buy a cake, "if it matters so much." I have celiac and he spent our grocery money on the game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 678
You deserved it 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

This is the sort of selfish idiot who gives both husbands and gamers a bad name.

well the joke is on him the game has been recalled for all consoles but PC due to massive technical glitches they're shutting the game down


tounces7 27

This is the sort of selfish idiot who gives both husbands and gamers a bad name.

jfigley 5

What a selfish prick. I hope you are walking away from this loser.... there are other good men that will gladly take you to dinner as well as other things and make you feel really good for your birthday. Assholes like this give men a bad name in general....

well the joke is on him the game has been recalled for all consoles but PC due to massive technical glitches they're shutting the game down

Ambrily 27

Actually it has been recalled and refunding until farther notice

tounces7 27

They're not shutting it down, it's not an MMO so you can't "shut it down". They just took it off the PSN store.

It's going better than my birthday, happy birthday to you

Unless that's totally out of character for him, why did you marry him, and why would you stay married?

ViviMage 38

Just get a refund for this game, that'll show him. Once the refund processes the game in inaccessible and won't be on the console eshop "until further notice." You can't have both a refund and a (barely) playable copy. I understand wanting the newest game, but not at the expense of your family eating for the week!

rnroy1995 12

I would leave that ******. thats selfish af

xxlk4xx 6

I had a husband who also would spend our grocery money on stupid shit for himself, once he went and spent $1000 on swards at a comicon convention while me and our kids were at home with only a few tv dinners in the freezer and our hydro was shut off! he's now my ex husband and now I don't have to choose between me or my kids eating (obviously I chose THEM to have the food) seriously, if this is a regular thing that he does please get out now! it is awful trying to live that way and if you've got kids in the mix then its even harder. wishing you the best and hope your birthday got better!

does he usually act like that? if he does, sometimes you just have to throw the whole husband away 🤷‍♀️