I'm proud to be selfish

By Anonymous - 14/08/2022 18:00

Today, my wife picked an argument about me so-called being selfish because I buy myself sweets and certain drinks, and they make sit in the refrigerator for a long time. My stepson will then ask for them, and I say no. I just don’t believe in rewarding bad behavior. Plus it’s mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 1 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Asking for them are bad behavior? Yeah, you're selfish if you make up such a lame crime to evade sharing your treats.

I agree on not rewarding bad behaviour. But is there room in the fridge for regular food or does your wife need to play tetris? Do you buy your stepson the stuff he likes (and not as a reward) or is everything you buy only yours?


I agree on not rewarding bad behaviour. But is there room in the fridge for regular food or does your wife need to play tetris? Do you buy your stepson the stuff he likes (and not as a reward) or is everything you buy only yours?

Asking for them are bad behavior? Yeah, you're selfish if you make up such a lame crime to evade sharing your treats.

You straight up sound like a jerk my dude. Yikes.

Uh well I mean, you are being selfish. you're allowed to have your own snacks, but are you helping with regular groceries, so that everyone in the house can have snacks? Also letting your crap sit in the fridge for weeks, and your step-son asking to eat it, is NOT bad behavior. YOUR behavior is bad, shitty, even.

Share with the kid or get a mini fridge for your bedroom where step-son won't see it.

but extra for ur stepson, who u should be referring to as ur son btw

Nikki 17

Why? The step son’s dad might still be in the picture. If my step dad called me his daughter when I was a kid I would’ve thought it was weird

Not awarding bad behavior is good. But seriously, "it's mine"? Are you four years old? And if it sits in the fridge that long, it will eventually go bad...