The no-no word

By Anonymous - 21/12/2023 08:00 - United Kingdom

Today, our three year-old, who we thought was in bed, was actually on the stairs over our shoulders while we watched a black comedian. Guess which new and exciting bad word he keeps saying that is sure to piss black people off. Yep, that word. We can’t go out in public anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 510
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ok, so have you thought of any bright ideas yet on how to knock that awful "word" out of his already small vocabulary?

Teach him how to say "Quetzalcoatlus" instead. Not only will he forget the bad word, but it'll really freak out his day care teachers.


Ok, so have you thought of any bright ideas yet on how to knock that awful "word" out of his already small vocabulary?

I'm sorry, but this is just too damn funny. You're going to have to do whatever it takes to get him to stop, even discipline if necessary. "Just because he said it doesn't mean we give YOU permission to say it." Three years old is NOT too soon to start disciplining kids, as they are fully capable of understanding they did something bad.

Teach him how to say "Quetzalcoatlus" instead. Not only will he forget the bad word, but it'll really freak out his day care teachers.