The effects of homeschooling

By Anonymous - 26/04/2022 02:00 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I was in a shop with my 9 month-old son. He was babbling gibberish as babies do, and repeatedly said what sounded like the N-word. We're white. FML
I agree, your life sucks 930
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

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When my son was 3 months old, he babbled something that sounded like Mario. He also cried uncontrollably when we had a dark-skinned waiter (though he was fine the same day around a different black man.) At that age, it’s almost certainly gibberish, but if I were you, I would avoid exposing them to that word as long as possible until you have to have that conversation with them.


Why do you say the N-word around the house all the time? Being white just makes it worse.

When my son was 3 months old, he babbled something that sounded like Mario. He also cried uncontrollably when we had a dark-skinned waiter (though he was fine the same day around a different black man.) At that age, it’s almost certainly gibberish, but if I were you, I would avoid exposing them to that word as long as possible until you have to have that conversation with them.