The more you know

By essay2 - 24/09/2011 18:47 - United States

Today, I found out that the double spacing format in an essay refers to the space between each line, not the words. I've been pressing the space bar twice between each word all through high school and halfway through college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 216
You deserved it 83 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrLefty 8

*You're Unless my sarcasm detector is missing something.


People like you are the reason that other countries think Americans are idiots.


There's a thing called common sense....

jennt89 10

I did the same thing when I first got a computer back in the 6th grade lol. :)

Thtguyukno 2

Oh shit, I thought the same thing until just now....

leadman1989 15

Now your ten page reports fit on ten pages and not the previous 100. You've single handedly taken down a 500 acres of rainforest, sent 15 species into extinction, and displaced 250 indigenous people. Somewhere there's a plaque with your name on it. YDI

hiscrazygurl1 5

Really? A teacher or professor didn't ever mention it to you or maybe a class mate! U never wondered why ur paper didn't look like anyone elses. Odd!! I feel sorry for you cuz that's computers 101

Hahaha how'd you even make it into college??!?

MissBunnyWillEat 11

1: Do you know what the word "irony" means? Just curious.

thiscrazything 1

Lmao, all that wasted finger energy!