The gift that keeps not arriving...

By catwithwatermelononhead - 21/01/2018 19:00

Today, the $800, large capacity, professional carpet steam cleaner my husband supposedly bought me for Christmas got "lost in the mail". So did the refund. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 221
You deserved it 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guys, I think the implication here is that OP’s husband never actually bought her a “$800, large capacity, professional carpet steam cleaner” for Christmas...

kkaseeno 11

The point is OP's Husband umexplainably spent $800 dollars at christmas and lied saying it was om a present for her. which has never arrived, so the real question is what he bought his secret girlfriend for 800 bucks.. >.<


manb91uk 22

I’d call trading standards if I were you

Guys, I think the implication here is that OP’s husband never actually bought her a “$800, large capacity, professional carpet steam cleaner” for Christmas...

kkaseeno 11

The point is OP's Husband umexplainably spent $800 dollars at christmas and lied saying it was om a present for her. which has never arrived, so the real question is what he bought his secret girlfriend for 800 bucks.. >.<

Probably a large capacity, professional carpet steam cleaner! And then they bone on her very clean carpet! And she probably has a side hustle cleaning carpets!

gobiteme2 34

May not have been a girlfriend

cold. but. I was thinking the same. unless he is a gun collector like mine. he wouldn't even claim to spend that amount of money on anything besides a gun. (FML)

raspution 21

He got himself two prostitutes for christmas. Look out for that clymidia gift he has for you.

My wife would kill me if I got her a carpet cleaner for Christmas.

Congratulations, would you like a trophy?

Depends on the person. If a person has no use for it, then it is a "lame" gift but if someone needed/wanted it for a long time then it would be an awesome one. Maybe OP needs it for her business or just has a lot of carpets she wants clean. Whatever the reason it seems like she was looking forward to it.

Looks like he’s gonna have to munch dirty carpet.

thatslifeiguess7 16

Looks like it's time hubby got lost in the mail

Maybe he had to spend the money at vet to get the huge watermelon off the cat’s head?!