The best time of your life

By Anonymous - 02/08/2021 20:01

Today, the girl I've been flirting with for a few weeks invited me to a house party. I gradually found out that she's been talking to my good buddy, they've been dating, actually they've been banging the whole time. And now she's in a bikini bouncing on his lap as we play Cards Against Humanity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 138
You deserved it 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

OK I have to note.. OP said *he's* been flirting with HER.. not that she's been flirting back.. this may have been her way of "letting him down" that she's not interested in his flirting. Sometimes guys don't get it when we show little to no interest. Sorry OP.. hopefully the next girl you take a liking to is available and interested.

Marcella1016 31

Man I always read very descriptive, in-the-moment FMLs like this and wonder if the person/people involved ever find it and know it’s them. Be funny if she saw this. Sucks though OP FYL. Plenty of other fish in the sea, and I guess be happy for your friend.


Sorry for you man had crap like that happened to me too, I'll never understand why women do that shit. it's as if they're trying to show off

I know exactly why they do that. Flirting is low risk with not much at stake in terms of rejection, but asking a woman out risks humiliating rejection and therefore shows a lot of confidence. Women prefer confident guys who are willing to take a risk for them, and want to stick it to guys who play it too safe with them.

Or maybe just letting him know he doesn't stand a chance

So, you're a man of talk while your buddy is a man of action. She'll probably get tired of him and decide to give you a chance. Don't laugh -- it could happen! Ok, go ahead and laugh -- it's never gonna happen!

Vesi 29

OK I have to note.. OP said *he's* been flirting with HER.. not that she's been flirting back.. this may have been her way of "letting him down" that she's not interested in his flirting. Sometimes guys don't get it when we show little to no interest. Sorry OP.. hopefully the next girl you take a liking to is available and interested.

Marcella1016 31

Man I always read very descriptive, in-the-moment FMLs like this and wonder if the person/people involved ever find it and know it’s them. Be funny if she saw this. Sucks though OP FYL. Plenty of other fish in the sea, and I guess be happy for your friend.

How does that stop you from banging her?

Generally speaking, unless you are very rich or extremely good looking, it’s pointless to “flirt” with someone who is already in a relationship. While you didn’t know this at first, you do now so back off and look elsewhere. You are wasting your time and energy and she’s sending you the signal that she’s unavailable, though she may like the attention.