Thanks for the assistance

By CorpDrone - 03/11/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I came in to work and found the conference room whiteboards completely clean. My assistant had wiped all the white boards where I'd spent 10 hours writing the schedule for the next three months. I was going to meet with all the supervisors to finalize that schedule today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 702
You deserved it 7 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have taped a piece of paper to the board to remind people not to erase it. That really sucks =/


Its called email, idiot. 2009 and you're still using a whiteboard?! You're a dinosaur and if I were your boss I'd fire you for being a Luddite.

Uh sorry to be rude but ur jus dumb....ur workin a corporation u ever heard of a computer and powerpoint ?...go back to high school

mj2123 0

If you're going to tell someone to go back to high school, maybe you shouldn't write like a middle schooler.

You really should have them not too in advance...

You know nothing about the OP or their company yet you think you know better how their scheduling should work?

Who does important work on a white board? Here's a helpful hint: next time, TAKE A PICTURE OF IT. Duh.

Erindub 0

Why not take your paper you pre-wrote it on and Xerox it and hand the supervisors the schedule in your meeting.

baknbits 0

Ever heard of P.L.O? PLEASE LEAVE ON! ==== = ====== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ======= =====

Diogen 0

Way to communicate with your assistant.

letitbe56 0

While you didn't deserve it, maybe this can be a lesson to keep important info somewhere more permanent. You could have made a google calendar to send to all supervisors, or something.

ForgottenRemix0 0

lmfao, thats y they put the ass in assistant.