
By Username - 31/01/2011 15:47

Today, my boyfriend told me the thing that gets him really horny. Apple sauce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 083
You deserved it 5 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

here's an idea go into the bedroom put on the sexiest lingerie you have and have apple sauce all over your body... itd be the best surprise of his life.. thatll get him in the mood


EG14_fml 8

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! this makes me laugh a whole lot! I'm tryin to imagine my boyfriend like that.... wouldve been pretty awkward at lunch in school. ha! funny!

NeonBubblez 6

Well...if u wanna get some go to the store and stock up on some apple sauce!! :D

my girlfriend told me her fetish was ***********. stop complaining. id he happy for applesauce

Applesauce, The new nipple balm flavor. I can see it being a big seller.

Not a fml. A fml would be him getting horny over applesauce his grandma makes and that's the only thing that gets him going and today was her funeral.

Why would that suck? Applesauce is cheap and easy to get. Could be worse, he could want something really gross.