By Anonymous - 27/09/2012 02:29 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my girlfriend told me what turns her on: cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 184
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste


I am absolutely obsessed with cheese, so, I can definitely see where this fetish would come from.

habibiiiiiii 2

Next time walk in the room with nothing but swiss cheese covering you.

dragonstrike94 8

Well at least itll be easy then

Osito2011 9

It's not easy being cheesy (puts on sunglasses) YEAH

As Eminem said..."so lick the cheese from under my nuts"

lebronesque73091 12

Well you can't blame her, cheese is really good.

Guys, she can't help what she likes. Stop treating her like a muenster.

DKjazz 20

Well, I was just feta-p with the way OP's poor girlfriend was being treated, that's all. It's nacho business or mine what she's into.

Inheritance 10

Buy her some can cheese and crackers then. That should be exciting for her.

Skip the crackers and spray it on yourself. .... In places. ... So she can lick it off. ... Like your penis. ...

C'mon guys, by now she's probably feeling pretty bleu.

kut17 11

Stop with the cheese jokes! I camembert it anymore!

CaptainDoorknob 7
mollysticks 10

I'm feda up of these jokes guys...

MagicGiraffe 12

Now we know what she Colby jacks off to. Meh I tried.

nancyschmancy 9

Wouldn't happen if she were an "American".

nancyschmancy 9

Well everyone else was making cheesy jokes. Geez don't be such an asiago!

wtf, cheese? How exactly could that turn you on?

habibiiiiiii 2

By shoving it down her throat :/

#3, people can have a fetish for anything. And yes, I do mean *anything*.

This OP and the OP from the fruit juiced FML should get together.

So essentially, cheese turns you on too?

9 not necessarily...perhaps people getting turned on by cheese turn him on

This takes, "Say cheese!" to a whole 'notha level. Yes, a SNL style joke.

Yo dawg I heard you liked getting turned on, so we put a post about a girl getting turned on to turn you on.

Your DP matches your comment perfectly.

Bonjour, I think I smell a French gene in your girlfriend.

No he means French , that's why he said bonjour

secret_ninja_gal 12

not every French person likes cheese. take me for example.

I don't think it's a French gene you're smelling.....

TheDrifter 23

That's gouda of her to tell you. Now Swiss over to the market before you end up provolone.

Cheddar check the fridge before you send Jack to buy it because if he returns too late he'll be old.

OP, you should muenster up some courage and talk to your girlfriend. Also areesh you glad she talked to you about it? Swiss for the best.

Find the stinkiest cheese you can find and rub it all over yourself. Might solve the problem.

Actually 12 - that would be Casu marzu. It's a goat's cheese which is basically left to get spoiled. Maggots are purposefully left to grow and feed within the wheel of cheese, causing even greater fermentation and a softer cheese that is mixed with the already eaten and expelled cheese from the maggots. The cheese is then consumed, some prefer with maggots others prefer without.

kikimonole 13

#100 - Sounds like it'd have an interesting flavour. O_o

kittytub 12

100- still havent learned to not eat food while reading fml

Replace the whipped cream with shredded cheese from now on. Problem solved.

Or cheez wiz (is that how they spell it?)

It's not beacon at least. I heard it's a shortage.

If there's bacon flavored lube, I bet there's cheese flavored!

kikimonole 13

There's a shortage because the corn used to feed them is being used to try and make fuel instead. >_>

bottlefed05ss 5

Shove a block of cheddar in her ass. Problem solved

Um maybe it's just me but, that seems a bit extreme... Some guys find lesbians making out or having "sex" as a turn on however, I'm not so sure that having one of them shoved up where the sun don't shine is an acceptable alternative. I don't even like my own shit being up there. Why do you think I get it out as soon as I can?

MartinAlex 1

So you can smear it on someone?

#32 you, Sir are a beautiful person