
By Anonymous - 11/05/2013 21:58 - United States - Reno

Today, my grandpa moved into the house to live with my family. Along with having to share a room with him, he swears that having the AC on will give him pneumonia, and he keeps saying he's "freezing" when the temperature inside gets below 85. We live in Nevada. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 791
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not how families work. Discussion, reason, and compromises are all myths.


Wrap grandpa in extra blankets at bed time and dress him in a heavy coat during the day. If that doesn't help lock him in the closet!!!!

Old people have less tolerance to change of temperature than young people do for the simple reason that their bodies are not as strong as before. This is why you see so many of them carefully wrapped up when you'd be without a jacket. However he is right on one thing, AC is unhealthy, it's just sending around germs and people in the US are way too obsessed with it. They'd put it on full blast the second the temperature rises above 70F. When I was in college there, it was 95F outside in August and I swear no more than 60F in the buildings. I remember on my first class rubbing my feet against each other to warm them up as I was wearing sandals and hugging my light jacket because I was so cold. I caught a bad sore throat whithin the first 2 weeks.

That sucks. Buy him a heating blanket and some reusable hand warmers. Some long johns and wool socks too.

Stop being such a wuss! Where I live, it can vary from about 4 degrees C (40 degrees F) in winter to up to and sometimes over 40 degrees C (104 degrees F) I think you'll live.

at least it's not humid in nevada. i live in satan's asscrack and when it gets remotely over 80 the air is so thick you can chew it.

My question is why did they move grandpa into a room with their daughter?

The fact that it says 'Anonymous (woman)' on the original post?

Open an few windows...that should help...

sherrierenee 9

Your grandpa is crazy! I live in Vegas and can't have my air above 80 without getting sweaty

I wouldn't complain that your grandparent is living with you. My grandfather has had three heart attacks and triple bypass surgery, I'd give anything for him to be healthy and living in my house and not in icu in a coma.