Classic blunder

By churchman - 28/06/2021 00:01 - United States - Lancaster

Today, I serve at church and had a funeral. As I greeted the family, someone asked how I was doing. Without thought, I responded, "Good to be alive." FML
I agree, your life sucks 408
You deserved it 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brockwaycc 3

It’s crazy how sometimes our regular day to day things we say come out at the wrong time, just force of habit. Hopefully the other person was a good sport and just chuckled it off. I assume this was an honest mistake


brockwaycc 3

It’s crazy how sometimes our regular day to day things we say come out at the wrong time, just force of habit. Hopefully the other person was a good sport and just chuckled it off. I assume this was an honest mistake