By Anonymous - 31/10/2015 05:10

Today, I finally got a promotion at work. Today I also found out that no matter how long I work, no matter how much effort and unpaid overtime I put in for 6 years, my coworkers will be convinced I only got promoted because I'm the CFO's son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 213
You deserved it 2 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw what others think. Congrats on your promotion.

People will always try to find a way to bring you down. Congrats on your promotion :)


Screw what others think. Congrats on your promotion.

Op, just tell them the hard work and dedication just runs in the family. Like 1 said, screw the haters!

Huh, what bitchy coworkers. But good job on getting the promotion!

**** 'em, you know you put in the work. Good for you, and congrats!

I'm sure they're all doing half of what you're doing there- just forget them! Congrats on being rewarded for your hard work!

Mcstud1y 30

Excuses, excuses, keep up the hard work!

I could see how they would think you got the promotion just because your father is the CFO. They must think that just because they work hard to that your dad must only notice you. But congrats on your promotion. You did work hard and you do deserve it.

People will always try to find a way to bring you down. Congrats on your promotion :)

Badkarma4u 17

Who cares what they think. One day, you'll be able to fire them all.

Geez, six years of unpaid overtime? Maybe you would've been payed more if you were unrelated to the CFO.

Judging by the amount of FML-related work stories, I think anything goes and either way he ends up losing :/

In my experience, relatives of small business owners, or officers, get paid less than their co workers. Heck, I average 66 hours a week, and get about 3/4 the pay of 40 hour co workers.