Welcome to middle age

By Adrianna - 03/12/2021 13:59

Today, I pulled a shoulder muscle opening my front door. How are your thirties going? FML
I agree, your life sucks 900
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a heart condition, a thyroid condition, bad joints, and need surgery on both feet for bunions. I’m 31. Thanks for asking! Hope your shoulder gets better.

I don't really remember my 30s much. I had to have had them to get to the advanced age I am!


I have a heart condition, a thyroid condition, bad joints, and need surgery on both feet for bunions. I’m 31. Thanks for asking! Hope your shoulder gets better.

I don't really remember my 30s much. I had to have had them to get to the advanced age I am!

Not there yet but I'm assuming my 30s will be great in terms of physical health. I am an athlete after all.

You think that’s bad, I pulled a muscle when I was 13 from doing *absolutely nothing.* For the next week, I couldn’t bend over. And I exercise regularly.

I am fine in general and in my prime—still weight lifting and swimming to keep my body from atrophying due to old age.

Wadlaen 23

I'm 32, on disability benefits, still studying, so I'd say I'm doing OK...

My 30's is going pretty good, considering. I've had insomnia for over a decade though but I've had that since I was like, 22. No aches and pains yet, knock on wood. lol

debbyman13 21

Not much better but thanks for asking