Spelling is hard

By WTFFAIL - 03/12/2009 09:08 - United States

Today, I finished a 50-page term end thesis essay on the history of Russia. Looking over the final requirements once more, I find I made just a tiny little mistake. It was supposed to be a thesis on "Prussia". The paper's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 199
You deserved it 39 832

Same thing different taste

Why is the last mile the hardest mile?

By oldhabitsdiehard - 03/07/2022 14:00 - Netherlands - Wageningen

Today, I'm supposed to hand in my Master's thesis. I only very vaguely remember my enthusiasm of six months ago, but remember clearly that - this time - I was planning to start in time and avoid last-minute stress. Seeing the sun come up at 5 a.m. tells me that it was a tad too optimistic. Just ten more hours to go… FML
I agree, your life sucks 292
You deserved it 1 031

Top comments

Wow. **** your life indeed. But hey, at least you can come on here and read the comments from dumber people who will say "zomg lol whut's the diffrnce?" and "Prussia iznt a country lolz!!one!!" Good luck, comrade.


that really does suck...50 pages? OMFG

hand it in anyway and pretend you didn't see the mistake ;)

Such total bullshit, when has anyone ever been asked to do a 50 page paper on a topic as vague as the history of Prussia? Papers are set on specific people, events or periods of time, the history of Prussia couldn't be condensed into 50 pages without some specific criteria. That's a country with only a few hundred years of history, consider the impossibility of writing the history of Russia in only 50 pages... This is clearly nonsense posted by someone who doesn't understand how history is studied at the university level. The only way this would make sense would be if the title had been something along the lines of- "Discuss the impact of Napoleon's defeat on Prussian power in Europe." (An awful title I know but it's not my area of study and I can't be bothered to legitimize some other guys bullshit) If it was a paper on something like that then you would still deserve it for not being able to read the title or pay attention to the topic, especially as you'd have had to have picked the title yourself, nobody gets set titles for works of that magnitude.

IllegalLight 0

That DOES really suck, BUT you know what? YDI. If you have enough education to be assigned a 50 page thesis paper, then you should certainly be smart enough to read carefully enough so you could have differentiated a R from a P.

facu 0

um but i think this could be fake like if you have a whole entire essay and thesis to do why would you waste your time typing out you made a mistake and wrote it all on the wrong place you would have started working right away

Ketz 0

I'll attempt to help out here. Um, I think this could be fake. (Debatable, yes) Like, if you have a whole entire essay and thesis to do, why would you waste your time typing (it) out all on the wrong place? (Not a very good question) You would (I think they meant could) have started working right away. Still doesn't make much sense, but at least it's not a run-on sentence.

bugmenotmofo 34

If this FML is real, your life really sucks, but YDI in any possible way for not paying the least of attention.

OUCH! That really blows! :( I'd play dumb and give it to him anyway. At least you'd get some kind of grade..but thats just me.