Sounds wholesome…

By Anonymous - 09/10/2020 08:04

Today, my grandmother told me that my grandfather was a great man, and that he did a lot for the state of Ohio. When I got home, I googled him. He was the leader of one of the biggest KKK groups in America. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 583
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not a good idea to follow his footsteps into the family business...

well then, he did do a lot for Ohio... not good, but alot... is he by chance your mother's grandfather? because then he would be a "Great" grandfather and your grandmother would be telling the truth... or they are just both super racist.


Well, there were very fine people on both sides. Maybe he made America great the first time?

well then, he did do a lot for Ohio... not good, but alot... is he by chance your mother's grandfather? because then he would be a "Great" grandfather and your grandmother would be telling the truth... or they are just both super racist.

PenguinPal3017 19

CEO of being technically correct

Definitely not a good idea to follow his footsteps into the family business...

Hi from Indiana. We don’t have a great history. My actual history teacher in high school was in the KKK. I just hope we get through this.

tounces7 27

You sure it's even the same person?