
By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 02:58 - United States

Today, I was in the cafeteria at a table near the guy I like. He was playing around with a ball with a couple of his friends. They dropped it, and it rolled over next to my foot. When I bent down to pick it up, I smashed my head against a chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 693
You deserved it 5 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have sucked on the ball seductively afterward so they forget about you hitting your head


knibbsy 4

You must work at an animal shelter, and the guy you like is a golden retriever who was playing around with some other dogs. You can hold the ball in front of you so he'll come over, then you can skip straight to first base without even knowing him and give him kisses. He probably wont even think you're a ****!

chrisx020296 0

Good job!!! You already touched his balls!

Hehehheeh YOUR endo! (And please tell me you get this reference!)

You deserve it for capitalizing cafeteria.

Don't make me go all Inglorius Basturs on your nazi ass!

****!how embarassing!I feel 4 u man,nothin worse than makin a fool of urself in front of a cute guy : -(

TheMonolithian 0

lol I love how you just laugh haha

well you probably caught his attention

Just gotta laugh it off hun. That happens, next time get up and join him!!