Silver linings

By Anonymous - 16/10/2019 20:00

Today, I went to a dispensary to find relief for my chronic back pain. Turns out THC and my anxiety don't mix. I've been freaking out/paranoid/hyper diligent all night. I'm out $200, but at least thanks to my panic, I forgot my back pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 427
You deserved it 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zimmarie 0

I think you got sativa which is a more active type strain. You might try indica instead, which leads to more of the laid-back feeling. A good first thing to try is either chocolates or gummies of the indica. Also, a good dispensary would be able to explain these differences to you to help avoid a reaction with your anxiety.

Zimmarie 0

Get over yourself, they're seeking it for medicinal purposes, not for recreation.


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Zimmarie 0

Get over yourself, they're seeking it for medicinal purposes, not for recreation.

princess98 8

If they went to a dispensary it's legal.

Zimmarie 0

I think you got sativa which is a more active type strain. You might try indica instead, which leads to more of the laid-back feeling. A good first thing to try is either chocolates or gummies of the indica. Also, a good dispensary would be able to explain these differences to you to help avoid a reaction with your anxiety.

ducktail 6

I have a back of a new born and TMJ. You want high CBD indica strains for pain relief. I’m also bipolar type II with extreme anxiety as my biggest side effect. Indica and CBD has never done me wrong. I can only do sativa’s first thing in the morning. Also, edibles and tinctures will help cut back on the paranoia because there’s no smell and you just stay home and go to sleep. Sublingual delivery is best for night time use to wake up with less pain in the morning. As a female I can use this THC lube, I just put it on at night before bed (fooling around not required) and I wake up with no back pain the next day. Educate yourself before you buy again please.

Suaria 38

This isn't necessarily true. Edibles made me way too high when I've done them which made me really paranoid and increased my anxiety.

I'm a naturopathic doctor. it sounds like you got the wrong strain for your problem. you need specific strains as they each do something different. any dispenser worth a damn could have told you that. also never try to self treat. find a holistic doctor who can point you in the right direction

Or, you know, see an actual doctor. The choice is OP's.

lj2000 5

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Yeah, that's a bad combination. I've been there myself and it's not pretty. 😆

sel3578898553255 7

theres different types of strains. you couldve asked them for assistance

Nhayaa 21

CBD is actually the medicinal component, not THC. Try it out sometimes ^^

Kristoffer 35

It's important that these stories are heard, to remind people that, while cannibis definitely should be legal, it's not the panacea that so many people believe it is.

It also helps to do some research, and any decent dispensary should have knowledgeable staff who can point you towards strains and products that are more likely to work for you. Anything with a higher THC content definitely would not be a good choice for the OP, as several others have said. When my mom got her medical marijuana prescription, it took us a few weeks to work out the dosage and type of oils that worked best for her, and the staff at her prescription centre were freaking amazing about explaining everything and answering questions.

Mungolikecandy 19

THC is well known for having a side effect of increased anxiety. CBD is supposed to be better for pain without the anxiety-inducing side effects.