
By Anonymous - 26/12/2015 05:40 - United States - Latonia

Today, I walked in on my 13-year-old sister cutting her pubic hair with scissors. After a long talk about what on earth she was doing, she confessed to doing it so her boyfriend could find her clitoris. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 648
You deserved it 2 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes, they grow up so fast. I'd cry if my 13-year-old sister was already doing that.

Shadowvoid 33

Maybe you should have another talk to her about what 13 year olds should and shouldn't be doing.


Wow...... That's just messed up..... No words 0-0

By the sounds of it you are going to have a niece or nephew soon.

You can't stop someone from doing stuff on their own watch. Okay, maybe some of you think she's too young, that's fine. maybe that's your opinion, how you feel towards things, or perhaps how you were raised. But in the end, it's in the choice of the person. If your sister feels she's ready for such things, you can't try and stop her, chances are she'll want to do it even more. Like if I say "don't press that big red button", how many of you are gonna want to press that big red button even more? Instead of freaking out, telling them not to do it, or getting stern with the situation; why not sit the young teen down, warn them of the risks of things, inform them of what things can happen, and point them in the direction of doing something safely if they choose to go through with things. Back to the big red button, if I tell you the pros and cons of pressing that button, some of you may change your mind, while others still want to press it. But at least you're ALL aware of what you're getting into. I don't know about all you guys, but OP, if it was me I'd talk to her, give her a run down of the pros and cons, warn her of the risk, assure her she can come to you about anything, and then run it by your parents of what happened and what you said. Let them choose what parental method they want to follow and leave it in their hands. But I'm not you, so I just want to say I hope someone informs your sister of the risks, and points her into the direction of being safe. And I hope she makes great safe choices now and later in life :)

leogachi 15

@39 Op can TRY to stop her, not FORCE her to stop. Does that mean Op SHOULD try to stop her? I think that decision should be left to Op. As for informing the sister of the risks, Op should probably do that.

I guess that's more so of what I mean in a way. You can't force someone to stop something, yes OP can definitely try. But I feel like a lot of people try until they end up trying to force. I don't know, I just hope the young teen makes good choices and is informed of what good choices are :)

LyingBlood 8

a good whoopin will do it, always did it for me.

71, my mother used to do that. At around age 13, I started to hit back. Needless to say, pretty much all control she had over me went right out the window.

While I'm not against physical punishment used correctly, using it here is completely stupid.

In high school we did a similar thing. Except it wasn't as crazy as that. The fake baby was battery powered. You had to wear a bracelet (that you couldn't remove). You had the baby for three days/nights. The baby cried, it needed to be fed, it needed to be changed, burped, rocked. When the baby cried you had to place your bracelet over its chest until it made a ding noise. (This was the only way you could proceed to care for the child). The diapers had sensors to know if it was changed. As well as the bottle having a sensor to indicate feeding. The neck of the baby could also move and be 'broke', indicating rough handling and improper head/neck support. You had to log the time and what the baby wanted during that time. After your three days the teacher could cut off the bracelet, and take the log book. The bracelet indicates every time the baby was cared for and could show if anything was missed. You start off with 100% and with everything you miss, you lose marks. I was the only one who got 100% on this project.

106, that actually sounds like fun. I have two "real" kids, and I would do the three days just for fun!

It was! A few of us actually quite enjoyed it and wanted to do it again :) During the time I had the doll was when my mother got diagnosed with diabetes, so this thing went to the hospital with me at 2am one night. I was VERY surprised by how many dirty looks I got when I was carrying around a fake baby in a car seat type thing with (what they assumed to be real). The dirty looks I got that night was unreal. As if it was anyone else's business anyways. I mean i've gotten dirty looks when buying babyfood/forumla for people. The way people judge is unreal.

moocowmilk0 19

Why is she sexually active at 13? what the

Meanwhile I'm nearly 17 and can't even talk to girls for more than half an hour in a day. Yay.

ViviMage 38

Look up age of consent laws and statutory rape. This is too young. And she is more likely to hurt herself with scissors there anyway!

I don't see a problem with this. I was doing pretty much the same thing at 13. Now, 13 years later I'm still STI free and no children. My parents never had 'the talk' with me and I grew up as an only child.