The hero we deserved

By Anonymous - 01/05/2023 15:00

Today, I helped save three people, including a newborn, when I was sole witness to a bad car crash. My boss said that wasn’t a valid reason to be 4 hours late for work and fired me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 204
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hello, local TV news? Have *I* got a story for YOU..."

Your boss doesn't deserve you. That story should get you the job at the next interview.


Your boss doesn't deserve you. That story should get you the job at the next interview.

"Hello, local TV news? Have *I* got a story for YOU..."

Yep. I look forward to your boss's FML when your old company fire them for the bad PR they generated.

Only the boss should be in trouble. Why do you want to fire the other employees?

Sounds like it’s high time to hire a shark of a lawyer and get a better job while you’re at it.

Go grill them on social media and the local news and I'm pretty sure you're protected not just from labor laws but Good Samaritan laws as well your lawyer should have a field day with your boss in court.

I hope you like your boss's job. He's gonna get thrown out and you will fill the void.