Shy pooper

By privatebathroomneeded - 16/12/2014 19:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I needed to take a dump at school. As soon as I sat down, somebody else walked in. I'm extremely poop-shy, so I was forced to wait for several minutes while they styled their hair and applied makeup. After they left, I breathed a sigh of relief. Then someone else walked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 936
You deserved it 8 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're clearly not thinking about you at all... Why think so much about them?


Well, shit or get off the pot. Someone else may need the toilet...

I'm always surprised at the amount of public restroom anxiety people have. Yeah it's always awkward but shit happens. If you can't be discreet about it, oh well, you'll get over it in half an hour.

That's easy to say for someone who hasn't experienced it. In grade 7 in 2007 some of my friends made fun of the sound my pee made hitting the bowl. Only until recently I couldn't even pee in public toilets. I would sit down and try but as soon as someone came in my body would shut it off. Auto response and something I couldn't just 'get over'.

CliffyB03 28

I have the same problem. There 2 girls that come into the bathroom every single time I have to poop, and they stand in there and talk for 5 minutes.

bryce0110 23

I'm poop-shy too. I feel your pain.

shit_fer_luck 8

I, too, have been in a similar situation, OP. I was at work and I had some pretty nasty intestinal cramps. Of course, some other patrons decided to have an impromptu reunion/meeting in the restroom. I said to myself, "Well, self, they asked for it when they decided the bathroom was for socializing....". In the end I felt better, and they quickly vacated the room.

Try putting some toilet paper down to make a buffer or cushion for your poo as it muffles the noise considerably. But it is something everyone does, Elliot from Scrubs is a nervious pooer too. I think a lot of people are - but everyone poos.

bunny409 14

that is why you flush or put tissue on the bowl befor e doin your business on piblic

Poop Shy + Freaking Explosive IBS = My Life. Once it was so embarrassing- this lady was on the phone, the only other person in the bathroom- for like 5 minutes. I was like, "eff this" and just as I made my way to the door I had the bowel-sinking feeling of, "I'm not going to make it home". Nothing like a little cardio (or 10 steps) the guts going. Needless to say, she hung up and left pretty quickly

Seriously I don't get pee/poop shy people. You're in the damn bathroom. Everyone else is in there for the same reason. No one is going to demand you stop pooping while they are in the bathroom. You're the only one stopping yourself. YDI.