Shy pooper

By privatebathroomneeded - 16/12/2014 19:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I needed to take a dump at school. As soon as I sat down, somebody else walked in. I'm extremely poop-shy, so I was forced to wait for several minutes while they styled their hair and applied makeup. After they left, I breathed a sigh of relief. Then someone else walked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 936
You deserved it 8 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're clearly not thinking about you at all... Why think so much about them?


If you have to go then go. It's so bad for you not to. Just don't come out of the stall until everyone leaves. Nothing like being home and in private to do the deed though.

its worse if its a motion activated one. then you're sitting there and it keeps flushing and you get a wet bum

99treee 7

Funny story.. I am "poop-shy" and one day in school I really had to bring the Obamas to the Oval Office. I sat down, the only one of the bathroom, until another kid walked in and sat right freaking NEXT to me. There were like 6 stalls too. Long story short, I tried to start a conversation with him. He was nice I guess. Later that day there was a rumor that I was a "gay fag trying to blow some kid in the school bathroom."

This happens everytime I try to poop in public. just remember, everybody poops. then it won't seem as embarrassing.

Sympathy OP. I fear the use of school bathrooms(there's hazards in there) and just try to go at the end of the day But you can't help the urge or the hypocrisy of dumb people who get disgusted, so I say let it flow!

Idk if this would help at all but if you don't want them to HEAR it you could put a lot of toilet paper down before you go. Silent shit (:

Flush the toilette and shit at the same time. The sound of the water should cover your" pooping sound"

What could possibly happen? What could they say about pooping? It's the bathroom, the ******* Switzerland of bodily functions.

Yea i know, a phobia is inherently unrational. I got them too. Use your brain, focus and get through this.............heh shit.

martin8337 35

If your school is close to home, you could run home to shit, like shitbrick from American Pie.