Shut up, bitch!

By Anonymous - 03/12/2021 19:59

Today, I went to see Ghostbusters: Afterlife. A family talked through the whole movie, phones on, watching YouTube videos, totally interrupting the experience. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 127
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soon as I saw phones being pulled out is when I go get staff to boot that family out.

Marcella1016 31

Wtf?? Dang as a society we need so much stimulation that we need to watch videos while in movies?! Feels like a remix on that old Xzibit quote making fun of Pimp My Ride - “YO, I heard you like movies! So I put a movie in your movie so you can watch a movie while you movie!” I swear social media has given this entire nation ADD lol


Marcella1016 31

Wtf?? Dang as a society we need so much stimulation that we need to watch videos while in movies?! Feels like a remix on that old Xzibit quote making fun of Pimp My Ride - “YO, I heard you like movies! So I put a movie in your movie so you can watch a movie while you movie!” I swear social media has given this entire nation ADD lol

Soon as I saw phones being pulled out is when I go get staff to boot that family out.

slhiggx 17

My boyfriend and I went a couple weekends ago. We both fell asleep during since we were so tired, due to work (haha). So I kind of know the feeling. Chin up mate

At least they preserved the experience of watching the original "Ghostbusters" without being slimed by the derivative crap.

ronathan 2

you have no excuse. could have waites for it to come out on laser disc like an adult.

The last movie I saw in the theater was Wonder Woman. The theater experience ended any appeal for me. If I want to walk on sticky floors, smell funny smells, see trash everywhere, have food remnants under the seats, I will just go visit my son who lives with two roommates.

randybryant799 20

I hate that crap. What is wrong with people??

Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

and yet you sat through the entire movie and did absolutely nothing to shut them up? then you my friend, have zero right to bitch and moan, so stfu!!